Privacy Policy and Legal Information is a website published and managed by Activities Sobre Ruedas SC. To provide a good service to our readers and users, at Activities Sobre Ruedas we manage their personal data, which is a fundamental part of our work. For this reason, we have adapted our privacy policy as indicated by the RGPD (EU Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016) and included in the LSSI (Law 34/2002, of July 11, of Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce), as well as everything required by the LOPD (Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data).

Below, we explain how we manage your personal data, what we use it for and your rights over it. For any questions you can write to us at or call us at +34 679957759.

Summary sheet on personal data management:

Responsible: Activities On Wheels SC

CIF: J19332188

Address: Calle Santiago Apóstol 3, Guadalajara. CP.19193


Purpose: Bulletins and notifications about news, reports and services from the world of motorcycles, as well as specific promotions.

Legitimation: User consent by checking the acceptance box.

Storage: Depending on the form you complete, your personal data will be collected for different purposes and stored on different platforms.

What do we use the data for?

Activities on Wheels will use your data to keep you informed about our news and content through newsletters.

Advertising or promotions from our advertisers may appear in the newsletters, but we will never, under any circumstances, transfer or make public your data to these advertisers.

Management of your data: Access, rectification, cancellation, opposition and portability

You will always have control over your data. Readers and users can exercise their rights of access, opposition, rectification and cancellation of their data. You just have to unsubscribe from the newsletters, write to or call us at +34 679957759. 

Transfer of data to other companies

Activities on Wheels will never transfer the personal data of its users and partners to third parties completely outside the scope of the company so that they can contact you or use them for their own benefit. Your data will only be stored or managed by other companies if it is strictly necessary to provide the service. Currently, the companies we collaborate with are:

DigitalOcean as provider of the server we use in Activities on Wheels.


We use Google Analytics to collect website activity statistics (number of users, pages they visit, etc.). Google has its infrastructure distributed among different places but is committed to respecting European legislation. For advertising management we use Double Click, which is also owned by Google, and we display some AdSense advertising spaces. It is one of the companies subscribed to the EU-US Privacy Shield.

1600 Amphitheater Parkway

Mountain View, CA

94043, USA

MAILCHIMP (The Rocket Science Group LLC)

Mailchimp is a globally recognized platform, which we use to send newsletters. It is one of the companies subscribed to the EU-US Privacy Shield.

The Rocket Science Group, LLC

675 Ponce de Leon Ave NE

Suite 5000

Atlanta, GA 30308 USA

Privacy Policy

Security of your personal data

Activities on Wheels ensures the confidentiality and privacy of the personal data collected, allocating a good part of its technological resources to the protection of the personal data of its users and partners as well as the security and integrity of the website.

To guarantee this security, services and platforms have been adopted and contracted to ensure security measures that prevent alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access. However, Activities on Wheels cannot be held responsible for incidents related to personal data when these arise from an attack or unauthorized access to the systems in such a way that it is impossible to detect or prevent it, even taking all necessary measures according to the state. of current technology, or a lack of diligence on the part of the subscriber or user regarding the guarding and custody of their passwords and personal data.

Sending emails, SMS and notifications

At Activities on Wheels we do not send indiscriminate and abusive messages and notifications. Therefore, we will only send messages and emails to all those users and subscribers who authorize it, either by accepting these general conditions or specific conditions related to promotions or specific actions.

Use of “cookies”

Our website uses “cookies”, files that store user or partner information in your browser. These files will not store personal data associable to a specific user and are intended to improve and facilitate the use of the website.

In any case, if the user or subscriber wishes, they can deactivate the “cookies” of their browser, although taking into account their usefulness and privacy, we recommend and appreciate that they keep them activated.

You can consult the cookie policy at:

Acceptance of conditions

As far as browsing the website is concerned, you should keep in mind that we assume that if you browse and use this website you accept these conditions.