Frequent questions

The courses are Suitable for anyone, regardless of age and riding level. No previous experience is needed.

It is not necessary to have a motorcycle or equipment, we provide everything necessary.

Us We provide motorcycle and equipment, so you don't need to bring anything. We only recommend bringing some long tights, so that they do not rub the knee pads, and a t-shirt to change, because you will sweat.

No permit or driving license is necessary. Being in a closed circuit, they are not necessary.

We are available any day of the week, both daily and weekends. The schedule can be morning or afternoon, normally from 10:00 to 14:00 or from 15:00 to 19:00, although we can vary the schedule depending on the group's preferences.

To reserve it you have to call for phone at 679957759 or contact by Whatsapp or by email at indicating the date you want to come.

The further in advance the reservation is made, the better to secure the place, but as long as the group is not full, a couple of days in advance is sufficient.

Yes, you can come any day that seems best to you. We will open a new group that day on the calendar and up to 6-7 more people can join at most for that same date.

The groups are small to not to lose the personal treatment and to be able to give exercises to each one separately in case there is a difference in level. This way the training is much better in every way.

We can do courses for large groups on demand.

We are located in the central area of Spain, 40 minutes from Madrid. But we also travel to different circuits in the central area.

Also We travel to other parts of the peninsula upon request.

Gift voucher can be created from the “create gift voucher” page to be able to deliver it to its recipient, but it will not be effective until payment is made.

Gift vouchers They expire after 6 months. The beneficiaries can distribute the courses as they wish within that period of time.

Yeah. If you do not have one, you can hire one at the time of the course.